The Interfraternity Council (IFC)

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the largest men's organization at UNC, serving as the governing body for 21 member fraternities and over 1400 men. IFC fraternities are a home away from home where lasting friendships are made and networks with thousands of alumni are found.
IFC Judicial Board
The IFC Greek Judicial Board (GJB) is responsible for investigating reports of fraternity conduct inconsistent with established Inter-Fraternity guidelines at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The purpose of the GJB is to fairly, consistently and competently address reports of relating to fraternity chapters.
The role of the GJB is to address reports of fraternity chapters, not individuals. Indeed, the act of a single individual may bring the entire chapter before the GJB, but issues related to individual student conduct (IFC or otherwise) is the purview of other University entities. If the GJB determines it does not have authority to adjudicate a matter because the event reported is not considered chapter-related, it may decide to refer the matter to the University for consideration.
The GJB is comprised of all student members chosen from within the IFC fraternities’ ranks. There are two kinds of GJB members: Executive Committee members and GJB jurors. GJB Executive Committee members, on a rotating basis within the year, may receive, investigate, initiate and prosecute appropriate proceedings involving allegations of fraternity misconduct. GJB jurors, randomly assigned to each proceeding, decide whether a chapter is responsible for the allegations brought forth by the Executive Committee.
The GJB has two elected, administrative positions: a Chair and a Vice-Chair who assist in the process. A right of appeal from a decision of the juror (trial) panel exists at the option of the accused chapter only. Appeals are heard by a separate student panel whose decision cannot be appealed further. Each GJB member (Executive Committee and juror) must abide by the Code of Ethical Standards throughout the process.