Order of Omega

The Order of Omega National Honor Society was founded in 1959 at Miami University to honor outstanding Greek leaders. The Xi Sigma chapter of Order of Omega was founded at UNC-Chapel Hill in September 1995. The society is limited to the top 3% of the fraternity and sorority community (approx. 60 students annually). Membership in Order of Omega is based upon outstanding leadership within the UNC and fraternity/sorority community, a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, and at least junior or senior status at Carolina. Selections are made each semester by the current Order of Omega officers.

Order of Omega members are expected to attend one of two personal development programs sponsored by the organization (personal development programs will last no longer than four hours). One program will help members develop personal leadership skills and one program will involve a group service project within the community.

Order of Omega Leadership Grants

Order of Omega has leadership grants for chapters who need assistance traveling to national/regional leadership conferences (see application form on this page).

How to Apply

Applications open during both the fall and spring semester. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns

Executive Board

The current officers of Order of Omega at UNC-Chapel Hill are:

President: Tays Troutman

Vice President: Riley Shopmyer

Treasurer: Cameron Fardy

Secretary: Julia Baddley

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