FSL Membership Fee

    FSL Membership Fee:

  1. $12.50 semester fee for all FSL-affiliated students
    • Automatically added to student's semester bill through the Cashier's Office
    • Operating budget for the FSL Office
    • Expenses include:
    1. Graduate Assistant
    2. Office supplies
    3. Community-wide programming & supplemental materials
    4. Professional and leadership development for staff and students
      • Conferences, webinars, workshops, etc.
      • Association memberships for staff and students
    5. Community-wide speakers
    6. FSL office marketing materials
    7. Supplemental financial assistance for councils
    8. Facilities costs (ie. room reservations, labor, technology rentals, etc.)
    9. Gifts (for speakers, presenters, prizes for students, etc.)
    10. Professional staff candidate interviews (lodging, travel, meals, etc.)
    11. External Programming (ie. program review)

      Council Dues:

    1. Semester fee for all council-affiliated members
      • Amount is dependent upon council and is outlined in each organization's Constitution and bylaws
      • Payment is made via check, money order, or other council-specific method (ie. Venmo, PayPal, etc.)
      • Each chapter pays one lump sum dependent upon their number of members
      1. Expenses include:
      • Council programming and supplemental materials
      • Professional and leadership development for members
        • Conferences, webinars, workshops, etc.
      • National governing body dues (applicable to IFC, PHA, NPHC)
      • Council specific speakers
      • Council specific marketing materials
      • Facilities costs (ie. room reservations, labor, technology rentals, etc.)
      • Council specific scholarships (applicable to IFC, PHA)
      • Gifts (for speakers, presenters, prizes for members/ chapters, etc.)
      • Philanthropic donations
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