Meet Assistant Director Berengére Phillips

Describe your role as Assistant Director.
I advise the Panhellenic Association and the Interfraternity Council, facilitate and provide leadership development opportunities, spearhead our inaugural wellness initiative, and work with students to become impactful leaders of their organizations.
How has the transition to everyone being back in-person gone?
The scheduling changes took some time getting used to with the addition of a second child, other family obligations, and a longer commute, but so far we've made it work - many thanks to having a supportive supervisor!
What do you like most about your work?
I like when my students talk about the impact their leadership position has had on them and the growth and development they've experienced. I also like being able to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion conversations and initiatives into my work in various ways.
What are you listening to? (music/podcast/ book)
I can't get into podcasts or audiobooks and I still listen to the radio (lol) I'm currently reading a non-fiction book entitled Murder in the Bayou by Ethan Brown.